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Writer's pictureDipankar Sarkar

How to win back lost customers using SMS marketing

Updated: Jul 16

How to use SMS to gain lost customers back

Getting back things that you once lost can give you one of the greatest feelings in life. Similarly, you can also gain back your lost customers through text message marketing who were once with you by using perfectly written SMS templates.

The statistics say that the cost of gaining a new customer is 5 times that of regaining an already converted customer. So why not put a bit of our effort into regaining our previously converted customers and try to maximize that?

What is a customer win-back SMS campaign?

A customer win-back SMS campaign is a marketing strategy aimed at targeting customers who have previously done business with a company but have since become inactive or lost.

The goal of this campaign is to re-engage with these customers and encourage them to return to the company's products or services.

The first step in a win-back campaign is identifying the inactive customers who have become lost. This is typically done through data analysis and segmentation. Once the target audience has been identified, the company will then develop a targeted marketing campaign to re-engage with these customers.

The campaign may include various tactics such as personalized SMS, exclusive promotions, or other incentives designed to encourage the customer to take action. The messaging of the campaign should focus on the customer's previous positive experiences with the company, and the benefits of returning to do business with them.

A successful customer win-back campaign can lead to increased customer loyalty, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth advertising. Additionally, it can be more cost-effective than acquiring new customers, as the company already has a relationship with the target audience.

Overall, a customer win-back SMS campaign can be an effective strategy for companies looking to re-engage with inactive or lost customers and increase customer retention.

How to set up a customer win-back SMS strategy?

There is always a chance to win back a customer's business if your relationship with them appears to conclude amicably. To figure out how to bring back customers, keep in mind the three R's of reengagement:

  • Conduct thorough Research

  • Take action or React

  • Provide a timely Response

01. Conducting thorough research on lost customers

Customer retention is a crucial aspect of any successful business, and yet it can often be one of the most challenging tasks. For various reasons, businesses may lose customers over time, but that doesn't mean that all hope is lost. By conducting thorough research on lost customers, businesses can gain valuable insights into why they left and how to win them back.

To conduct research on lost customers, the first step is to analyze customer data and transaction histories to identify customers who have not returned. It is crucial to gather feedback from these customers to understand their experience with the business, which can be done through surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one conversations. By analyzing this feedback, businesses can identify the reasons why customers left, such as poor customer service, high prices, or lack of product availability.

Analyzing customer behavior patterns is also essential to determine trends and patterns that may have contributed to their decision to leave. Once businesses gather and analyze this data, they can develop strategies to win back lost customers by addressing their specific concerns. This may involve improving customer service, offering promotions or discounts, or introducing new products or services.

Research on lost customers can also help businesses improve their overall customer experience by identifying areas for improvement. In conclusion, conducting thorough research on lost customers is critical to any re-engagement marketing strategy. It helps businesses to improve customer retention rates and enhance the overall customer experience.

Remember, customer retention is an ongoing process, and businesses must continue to monitor customer behavior and adjust their strategies accordingly.

02. Reacting and responding to customer feedback

Reacting to customer feedback is an essential step in the re-engagement process, as it shows customers that their opinions are valued and that changes will be made to improve their experience with the brand.

The first step is to prioritize the feedback that has the most significant impact on the customers' experience, addressing the issues causing them to leave or improving areas that customers find important.

The next step is to develop a plan for addressing the feedback, which may involve changes to the product or service offerings, improvements to customer service processes, or investing in new technologies or tools to better meet customers' needs. Communicating the plan to customers is also essential in building trust and demonstrating that the feedback is being taken seriously. This can be done through email, social media, or even in-person meetings or phone calls.

Following through on the plan is just as important as communicating it, as customers will quickly lose trust if their feedback is ignored or dismissed. Making real changes to the business based on customer feedback is vital to retain their trust and loyalty. This can lead to increased customer retention and business success over time.

Reacting to customer feedback is an ongoing process that involves prioritizing feedback, developing a plan, communicating the plan to customers, and following through on the plan. By doing so, businesses can show customers that their feedback is valued and that they are committed to improving the customer experience, ultimately leading to increased customer retention and business success.

Why do businesses lose customers

How to setup customer win-back SMS campaigns

Setting up a mobile customer win-back campaign can be a challenging task. However, it is essential to bring back inactive customers to increase business revenue and retain customers. Here are the steps to set up a customer win-back campaign via SMS marketing:

01. Identify the target audience

The first step is to identify the target audience. Analyze the customer data and segment the customers who haven't made any purchases or interacted with your brand for a while. Create a list of customers that you want to target in the win-back campaign.

02. Develop a compelling offer

Once you have identified the target audience, the next step is to create an enticing offer. This could be a discount, a special promotion, or a loyalty program. The offer should be attractive enough to encourage customers to take action and make a purchase.

03. Choose the right channel

Choose the right channel to reach your customers. Since it's a mobile customer win-back campaign, the best channel to use is SMS or push notifications. SMS and push notifications have higher open rates and are more likely to be read by customers. Make sure the message is clear and concise and includes a clear call to action.

04. Personalize the message

Personalization is key to the success of any marketing campaign. Address your customers by name, and tailor the message to their preferences and past purchase history. Use the data you have on your customers to create a message that resonates with them.

05. Set up a drip campaign

A drip campaign is a series of automated messages that are sent to customers over a period. It is an effective way to stay top of mind with customers and encourage them to take action. Set up a series of messages to be sent to customers who haven't made a purchase after the initial message. The messages should be spaced out and include different offers or incentives to encourage customers to take action.

06. Monitor and track the campaign

Monitor and track the campaign to determine its effectiveness. Use analytics tools to track customer engagement and conversion rates. Analyze the data and make adjustments as needed to improve the effectiveness of the campaign.

Customer win-back SMS templates

Customer win-back text message templates are pre-written messages that businesses can use as a starting point to create personalized and effective text messages for their customers. These templates are designed to help businesses create messages that will effectively communicate with their lost customers and motivate them to return.

The templates usually include a subject line and the body of the message. The subject line should be catchy, while the body of the message should be concise, clear, and personalized to the customer's situation.

Some common customer win-back SMS templates are as follows:

01. We miss you!

This type of message acknowledges the customer's absence and expresses a desire to reconnect. It may include a special offer, such as a discount or free trial, to entice the customer to return.

Hey [Customer's Name], we miss you! It's been a while since we've seen you around. Come back and enjoy [mention a compelling offer or discount] just for you. We can't wait to have you back with us!

02. Come back and save

This message emphasizes the value proposition of the business and encourages the customer to return to take advantage of special savings or promotions.

Hi [First Name], it seems like it's been ages since your last visit. We want you to know that we've made some incredible changes since then. Come back and save [mention a specific benefit or discount]. We're excited to show you what we've got!

03. Did we do something wrong?

This message shows the customer that their opinion is valued and asks for feedback on how the business can improve. This type of message can help to identify and address the issues that caused the customer to leave in the first place.

Hey [Customer's Name], we noticed you haven't been around lately. Did we do something wrong? We want to make things right and earn back your trust. Please give us a chance to make it up to you. We have a special offer waiting just for you.

04. We want to make it right

This message apologizes for any negative experience the customer may have had and offers a solution to resolve the issue. This type of message shows the customer that the business is committed to customer satisfaction and is willing to go the extra mile to make things right.

Hello [First Name], we value your business, and we want to make sure you're completely satisfied. We've made some positive changes, and we'd love to have you back. Let us make it right. Come back and experience the difference.

05. We've made some changes

This message informs the customer of any changes or improvements the business has made since they left. It can help to re-establish trust and show the customer that the business is committed to continuous improvement.

Hi [Customer's Name], we've made exciting changes based on your feedback. Come back and rediscover the enhanced experience we offer now! We're looking forward to having you back!

When using win-back text message templates, it's important to personalize the message as much as possible to the customer's situation. This can include referencing past purchases, mentioning any previous interactions with customer service, and acknowledging any specific issues or concerns that the customer may have had. The more personalized the message, the more likely it is to be effective in winning back the customer's business.

Want to get started with SMS marketing for your business? Schedule a meeting with us to learn how SMS marketing can benefit your business.

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