Text Marketing for Nonprofits: Engage with Supporters
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Text Marketing

Explore how nonprofit text messaging can supercharge your organization's reach, engagement, and impact. 

Text marketing for non-profit organizations

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Texting service for nonprofits

Boost engagement and drive donations with nonprofit SMS 

In today's digital age, good communication is critical to the success of non-profit organizations. SMS marketing, often known as text message marketing, has developed as a dynamic and impactful method for engaging fans, funders, and volunteers in a direct and personal manner. Non-profits may utilize SMS to create a more connected and caring world by expanding their reach and mobilizing communities around their causes. 


SMS marketing helps non-profits to broadcast short and compelling communications straight to their target audience's mobile phones. SMS is an effective channel for advertising events, fundraising campaigns, and motivating action for social causes because of its real-time reach and high open rates. 

Some texting features of nonprofit SMS marketing

Benefits of SMS marketing 

Text marketing benefits for charities
and non-profits 

Collect money immediately for your donation programs

Immediate Impact 

Text messages have a remarkably high open rate, ensuring that non-profits can instantly reach their audience with time-sensitive updates, event reminders, and urgent appeals, fostering a sense of urgency and action. 

Personalized Connection 

SMS allows non-profits to address recipients by name and customize messages, creating a more personalized and intimate connection with supporters, thereby strengthening the organization's relationship with its audience. 

Maintain a personalized connection with donors
Fundraising made easy

Effortless Fundraising for Non-profits 

With a clear SMS call-to-action and links to donation pages, SMS makes it easier for non-profits to prompt supporters to donate instantly, streamlining the fundraising process and facilitating contributions. 

Advocacy and Awareness 

Through SMS marketing, non-profits can raise awareness about critical social issues, urging recipients to act, sign petitions, and support advocacy campaigns, empowering their supporters to become agents of change. 

Advocacy and Awareness for fundraising campaigns
Admire donors via texts

Cultivating Donor Relationships 

By expressing appreciation and sharing the impact of contributions via SMS, non-profit organizations can nurture stronger donor relationships, fostering loyalty and encouraging continued support. 

Use cases of Texting 

Organize and promote your event using texting 

Thank supporters

Don't forget to thank your supporters! Show your appreciation with a text for the people who support your organization. You can even send out text messages with

a special offer or discount. 

Event promotion 

Send out text messages to remind people about upcoming events, such as fundraisers, galas, or volunteer opportunities. Promote special deals or discounts for event attendees. 

Ask for donations 

SMS is a great way to ask for donations from supporters. You

can send text messages with a

link to your donation page, or you can even set up a text-to-give campaign. 


Implement text-to-donate campaigns by promoting specific keywords and short codes to supporters. Include a compelling call-to-action and explain how their contributions will make a difference. 

Birthday and holiday appeals 

Send heartfelt messages to supporters on their special occasions, expressing gratitude for their past support and inviting them to celebrate with a donation. 

Monthly giving

Promote the benefits of monthly giving through SMS messages, emphasizing how recurring donations provide stability and help plan long-term projects. 

Text marketing features 

Texting features for Non-profit organizations 

Group Texting

Send messages to multiple recipients simultaneously, making it efficient for disseminating important updates, event invitations, or urgent alerts to a wide audience. 

group texting for nonprofit organizations

Nonprofits text message templates

SMS templates for nonprofit organizations 

Add your nonprofit organizations a texting capability

Get more supporters and donors for your non-profit 

Supercharge your nonprofit's impact through the power of text marketing. Explore Falkon SMS today and start engaging, inspiring, and mobilizing your supporters like never before. 

Seamless Migration to Falkon SMS.

Free to try. Easy to use. No hardware change. No setup fees or hidden charges.

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